Waterloo Waterworks Nominal Rate Increase - Still Among Lowest in the State

The Waterloo Waterworks Board of Trustees announces a slight increase of 1% in rates for the coming year. An average customer uses 10,472 gallons every three months.  Based on the approved increase, an average customer’s bill will go up approximately $0.10 every three months.  From $41.63 to $41.73 for the water portion of the bill.  Those using less than 6,732 gallons every three months will not see an increase.

On August 17, 2022, the Waterloo Water Works’ Board of Trustees met to consider potential rate increases effective January 1, 2023.  The Board considered a variety of different factors affecting the operating and capital improvement expenses. Both have seen dramatic increases in recent years.  Considerations included:

  • Labor and related expenses (health insurance costs)
  • Fuel prices
  • Commodities such as chlorine for disinfection
  • Construction costs for repair and maintenance of the existing system, and installation of new water mains

Equity was also a major consideration in the Board’s decision making process as they looked at increases in rates.  Understanding that the last couple of years have been extremely hard on customers with fewer resources, the Board made the decision to leave the base rate alone and only raise the consumption rate by 1%.  The base rate provides 6,732 gallons of water at a charge of $30.88 every three months. 

“The Water Works has a number of customers who do not use more than the base rate amount and therefore will see no increase in the water portion of their bill,” says Chad Coon, General Manager of the Waterloo Water Works.

The Waterloo Water Works’ Board of Trustees is committed to continuing their investment in the infrastructure serving Waterloo while also working to keep water rates among the lowest in Iowa. 

For more information about the Waterloo Water Works, contact General Manager Chad Coon by calling 319-232-6280 or by email to Chad.Coon@Waterloo-IA.org.