Waterloo Poet Presenting at National Conference

Seth Thill (003)Seth Thill, a Library Assistant at the Waterloo Public Library and a poet, is presenting later this week at the Public Library Association (PLA) conference in Columbus, Ohio. Thill is doing a session titled "How to Plan Poetry Programming for Poets and Skeptics Alike".

The presentation description: For numerous library patrons, poetry may evoke memories of high school struggles with scansion and Shakespeare, creating an intimidating barrier. Overcoming this challenge in poetry programming requires strategic approaches. In this session, the presenter will explore utilizing community outreach, collaborations with local universities and arts organizations, and creative event planning techniques. The focus is on crafting programming that showcases the positive impact poetry can have on everyone in the community.

Thill has been with the library since November 2021. He holds a master’s degree in creative writing from the University of Northern Iowa and served as Hartman Reserve's 2022 Visiting Artist.